Future-proof water management

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Our mission is to apply our unique Dutch water knowledge in promoting the liveability of cities and urban environments. We do this by designing sustainable and sensible solutions for water problems. Human beings and the environment are our predominant concern.

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At Dareius we work on regional water safety, water availability and urban water management. We focus on urban delta areas in particular. Thanks to our unique Dutch knowledge of hydraulic engineering, the water cycle and local problems, we can offer sustainable and truly future-proof solutions.

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Resilient urban water

Resilient urban water

In metropolitan areas space is frequently scarce and the infrastructural density is high. Extreme weather events can cause considerable damage to infrastructure and buildings. Dareius has developed two tools to deal with these problems: the design tool RESCIDO and the analytical tool URBRAIN.

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Water safety

Water safety

Water safety is a huge challenge in delta areas. Flood prevention and management require that water be seen as an important spatial and societal structuring element. Based on thorough analysis, we both provide and contribute to the design of future-proof and (data-) intelligent water infrastructure.We have collected our instruments and competences in the SPiFRAME and REDO Toolboxes. We can work with these, together with the client, in making projections and supporting the adaptable design of future-proof water infrastructure.

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Water security

Water security

In the water management of the future, water security and water safety go hand-in-hand. Large parts of Europe are faced with flooding. But dry summers also produce drought conditions in natural, agricultural and urban areas. We have created the QARDAN Toolbox to analyse regional and local drought problems. And, drawing on our many years of experience with urban groundwater, we have also developed the WASSER Toolbox, with which we realise subsurface water storage solutions (ASR) with a regional scope. 

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Digital Water

Digital Water

The steerability of our water system is essential in this regard. In this context, sensors have for years been a recognised tool in the maintenance and management of water infrastructures. They help monitor their actual condition and facilitate faster and more targeted risk management action. The goal is to maximise data-use effectiveness and thus generate deep and – for water practice – meaningful knowledge about the water system. Included within our water program.

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Want to know more?

For more information about Dareius and our water solutions, please contact us at:

info@dareius.com +31 88 0048250